Monday, November 11, 2013

Important Grade Announcement!

Hi Grade 8's,

AR will now be included in your Language Arts grade. Each quarter, you are responsible for reaching 25% of your personal reading goal. As such, I will be counting your progress towards your goal as a summative reading grade. See explanation below:

Q1: aim to reach 25% of your reading goal. Grade will be given /25, and based on your percentage earned.
Q2: aim to reach 50% of your reading goal. Grade will be given /50, and based on your percentage earned.
Q3: aim to reach 75% of your reading goal. Grade will be given /75, and based on your percentage earned.
Q4: aim to reach 100% of your reading goal. Grade will be given /100 and based on your percentage earned.

NOTE: This change will apply to quarter's 2, 3 and 4. See me with any questions. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Summative Writing Test

Hey Folks!

Your summative writing test is October 28th/29th.

You must be able to do:

  • read and respond to a writing prompt 
  • deconstruct prompt to answer accurately
  • brainstorm
  • organize thoughts into a structures outline
  • compose a 5 paragraph essay
Study Tips:
  • review notes and handouts given to you in class (hook tip sheet, writing process handout, writing process slideshow handout)
  • practice brainstorming and constructing an outline under a time limit (5 mins for brainstorming, 20-25 minutes for outline)
  • colour code practice essays 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Class Work for Sunday September 22nd


1) Please read the Slide Show hand out and highlight the important key words and ideas.

2) Please read, "The Revision Stage" in your writing process handout.

3) Please go back and re-read the slide show section on Concluding Paragraphs

4) Write your concluding paragraph, using the information you've learned. Skip lines.

5) Begin to revise your essay, paying attention to IDEAS and CONTENT only. Refer to your Ideas and Content rubric as a guide.


Questions? See a student in 8-5, 8-3 or 8-1.



Autobiography Assignment Due: Tuesday September 24th, 40 marks

*Must be typed

*Set spacing to 2.0

*Text must be size 12

*Font: Times new Roman or Calibri Body

*Stapled with your name and section




*All of today's class work

*Autobiography assignment




Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Welcome Back!

Hi Grade 8's!

Welcome to our Language Arts Blog. Here you will find any important announcements, pertinent links and other information that will compliment what we are studying in class.

PLEASE NOTE: Daily homework will NOT be posted on the Blog, or on Weebly. It is your responsibility to record the information in your planner.

STUCK? See me before school, at lunch, after school or email me at:

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Exam Prep

Study Guide

Part 1: Characters
  • know who the mail characters and tributes are, where they come from, important or unique features, actions etc
Part 2: Multiple Choice
  • Novel trivia! How well do you know it!? (plot, setting, conflict, exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, characterization etc)
Part 3: Sequence of Events
  • Can you put events from the novel into sequential order?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Chapter Questions 19-27

Chapter Nineteen
1. How has Peeta managed to stay safe since his fight with Cato?
2. Describe Peeta's injuries.
3. How does Kat stop Peeta from talking about his potential death?

Chapter Twenty
1. What condition threatens Peeta's life?
2. Where did Katniss really get the money for Prim's goat?
3. What can Katniss get at the feast?
4. How does Haymitch help Katniss get to the feast?

Chapter Twenty-One
1. What clever strategy does Foxface employ at the feast?
2. What stops Clove from killing Katniss?
3. Why doesn't Thresh kill Katniss?
Chapter Twenty-Two
1. Why is Peeta's perspective on life different from Kat's and Gale's?
2. What did Peeta's father confide to him about Kat's mother?
3. What is Haymitch "looking for" from Katniss and Peeta?
Chapter Twenty-Three
1. According to Peeta and Katniss, how must Haymitch have won the Games?
2. What does Kat fear will happen if she wins?
3. How is Foxface killed?
Chapter Twenty-Four
1. Why do the Gamemakers dry-up the river and ponds?

Chapter Twenty-Five
1. What is chasing the Tributes?
2. Why don't the creatures kill Cato quickly once they have him overpowered?
3. How does Cato finally die?
4. What is the Gamemakers' final surprise?
5. How do Kat and Peeta outsmart the Gamemakers' last twist?

Chapter Twenty-Six
1. How does Katniss surprise herself when she sees Haymitch?
2. According to Haymitch, why is Katniss in trouble?

Chapter Twenty-Seven
1. Why is Peeta upset?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hunger Games Discussion Questions

***REMEMBER:  use evidence from the novel during your discussion
Chapter 1
Would you live in District 12? Explain.  How is Panem an “oppressive” country?  Do you think there are places like Panem on earth today?
Chapter 2Do you think Katniss’ anger towards her mother is justified?  How might Katniss’ only previous encounter with Peeta affect her during the games?
Chapter 3What do you think Gale wanted Katniss to remember?  Do you think they might be more than “just friends”?
Chapter 4
Why do you think Haymitch drinks so much?  Why has he let himself go?
Chapter 5
How are the people of the Capitol different from those who live in the districts?  Why do you think they are different?
Chapter 6
Why is Kat ashamed of not helping the boy and girl who were being chased by the Capitol hovercraft?
Chapter 7What do you think Peeta meant when he said, “She has no idea.  The effect she can have”?  What kind of score would you give Katniss if you wer a Gamemaker?
Chapter 8What do Kat’s fears reveal about her personality?
Chapter 9How does Kat initially feel about Peeta`s request to train separately?  What does this reveal about her?
Chapter 10Is Peeta’s crush real, or is it just part of his strategy?  What do you think ist he importance of the gold pin Madge gave to Katniss?  Will it help her in some way?  What does it represent or symbolize?
Chapter 11
Is it savage to watch people kill each other on television?  What does the popularity of the Hunger Games say about the people who watch it?  Compare the Games to our reality television today.  Are there some similarities?  What does the popularity of some reality television shows say about our society?  Why do you think Peeta joined the Career Tributes?
Chapter 14
Why do you think Rue helps Katniss?  Why do you think Peeta saved Katniss?
Chapter 15
The punishment for eating crops in District 11 is public whipping.  Is this fair?  Can you think of any punishments in our society that are unduly harsh?
Chapter 16
Rue loves music more than anything else.  Why do you think music is so important to humans in general?
Chapter 18How is decorating Rue with flowers a sign of protest?  What is she protesting?  Why won’t it be shown much on television?
Chapter 20
Was it right to drug Peeta?  What would you have done if you were in Kat’s position?
Chapter 21
What role does karma play in the games?  Do you believe karma plays a role in real life?  Explain your reasoning for or against this belief.
Chapter 22
Katniss suggests that Peeta can’t understand some things because his family isn’t as poor as hers or Gale’s.  Is this fair?  Do you think it is true?  Why is it important to consider things from other people’s perspectives?
Chapter 23When a person wins the lottery, their personality often changes.  Why do you think this happens?  Why is Katniss afraid of winning?  Do you think she might change?  How might you change if you won the lottery and never had to work or go to school again?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Chapter Questions 10-18

Chapter Ten
1. How does Katniss react to Peeta's declaration of love?
2. What does Peeta mean when he says "I want to die as myself"?
3. What is injected under Kat's skin before the Games? Why?
Chapter Eleven
1. What is the "Cornucopia"? Why is it important?
2. What does Kat take from the Cornucopia?
3. What happens to the girl who lights a fire for warmth near Kat's hiding place?
4. What big surprise does Kat get at the end of Chapter 11?
Chapter Twelve
1. How are the Career Tributes using Peeta?
2. How is dehydration affecting Katniss?
Chapter Thirteen
1. What wakes Katniss up?
2. Why do the Gamemakers want to chase the Tributes from their hiding places?
3. How does Katniss escape the Careers when they find her resting in the pond?
Chapter Fourteen
1. What are tracker jackers?
2. How does Katniss escape the Tributes waiting for her beneath the tree?
3. What does Kat realize right before she passes out?
Chapter Fifteen
1. What did Kat get from Glimmer's body?
2. Why does Kat want Rue for an ally?
3. What is the punishment for eating crops in District 11?
Chapter Sixteen
1. How does Katniss plan to strike at the Careers?
2. How are the Careers' supplies protected?
3. How does Katniss trigger the trap?
Chapter Seventeen
1. What happens to the boy from District 13?
2. What does Kat mean by a "hollow day"? Have you ever had a hollow day?
Chapter Eighteen
1. What does Kat do for Rue as a sign of protest against the Capitol?
2. What sponsor gift does Kat receive? Who is it from?
3. What important rule change is announced in Chapter Eighteen? 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hunger Games R&C Chapters 5-9

Chapter 5:
1. What is surprising about Cinna, Kat's stylist?
2. Describe Kat's Tribute costume.
3. How does the crowd respond to Katniss and Peeta during their grand entrance? What makes them so special?

Chapter 6
1. From where does Kar recognize the girl with teh red hair?
2. Why do Kat and Peeta decide to talk on the roof?

Chapter 7:
1. What is Haymitch's training strategy for Katniss and  Peeta?
 2. What are "Career Tributes"?
3. How does Katniss make a unique impression on the Gamemakers?

Chapter 8
1. What do the scores the Gamemakers give the Tributes mean?
2. What is Kat's greatest fear after her private session with the Gamemakers?
3. Why are Kat and Gale an effective hunting team?

Chapter 9
1. What advice does Cinna give Katniss for her interview?
2. What does Rue say will be her greatest strength in the arena?
3. What secret does Peeta reveal at the end of his interview? 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hunger Games Reading & Comprehension Question Chapters 1-4

Chapter 1
1. Why does Buttercup hate Katniss?
2. Why is District 12 surrounded by fences?
3. How is Katniss' mother different from the other residents of the Seam?
4. Why don't Gale and Katniss run away into the woods?
5. What is the Hob?
6. Describe the Reaping system. How is it unfair?
7. How many Reaping entries will Katniss have in her 16th year?
8. What are The Hunger Games?

Chapter 2
1. How does Katniss save Prim from the Reaping?
2. How did Kat's mother react to her husbands's death?
3. Describe Kat's only previous encounter with Peeta Mellark.

Chapter Three
1. How does Katniss feel about her chances of winning? Why?
2. Who visits Katniss and what gifts do they bring her?
3. What is a mockingjay?
4. What role will Haymitch play in the Games?

Chapter Four
1. Why does Katniss decide to stay away from Peeta as much as possible?
2. How do Peeta and Katniss gain Haymitch's support?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Creative Video Project Rubric

Language Arts Creative Video Project                     
As we begin to wrap up the skills you have learned throughout the year, and apply them to our final novel study (Hunger Games) and writings, I’d like you to take some time to reflect on what you have learned in Language Arts this year.
Using what you have learned (skills, tricks, terms, ideas, literary elements, parts of speech, etc) compile and create a video to present to the class.
Options: Choose one of the following, or create your own but you must have it approved by me.
News Anchor/Reporter:  Create a news-broadcast video that delivers a report on something you have studied/learned this year. You may dress up as broadcasters and create your own set to deliver the report. Alternatively, you may create an interview based video where one partner acts as the interviewer, and the others as interviewees. This will require writing a script.
Funny Monologue or Sitcom:  Create a sitcom-style TV show about what you have learned.  You’ll need to create a script, costumes, set etc.
Music Video: Create a music video with lyrics that relate to what you have learned and accomplished in Language Arts this year, or what it’s like being a student and your LA experience this year. You may use songs that already exist and change the lyrics, or compose your own.
·         Your project should be between 3-5 minutes. (carefully plan and time them to meet the requirement)
·         Videos should be edited to the best of your ability and put on a USB to hand in
·         Scripts/Lyrics must be handed in before the presentation for approval
·         Each group member must fairly contribute to the project (delegate jobs/rolls)
·         Videos should include a title (song title, show title etc) and give credit to the participants and their jobs. (writers, camera crew, actors, editors etc)

·         Have fun with this project! It’s meant to show your learning, but also to entertain!
·         You may use humour, but maintain school appropriate language/ideas.
·         Be creative! Go back through your notes, binder, journal writings, stories and class memories for ideas. (Memories should be something you remember from a specific day/class or learning, not something like, “Remember when Jonny fell off his chair”)
·         Introduction:  Half a block this week
·         Filming: should take place over the weekend. (The majority of this project needs to be completed at home)
·         Week of April 14-18th: ONE class period with Mrs. Dunn to incorporate technology/typing script, final touches etc. Filming must be completed before Mrs. Dunn’s class. You will not be filming during this time.
·         You will work in groups of 2-3 from your class
·         You may have friends from other classes in your videos; however, the grade only applies to the assigned groups. Likewise, you may participate in another video, but will only receive a grade for your own.

Video project demonstrates a broad spectrum of content and evidence of learning in LA        

Video meets the required time limit of 3-5 minutes

Video is creative, original and demonstrates obvious efforts and originality                             

Video has been edited, transferred to a USB and script submitted

Video contains direct references to topics/ideas studied in class

Project Total: /25                                                   Note: Project totals will be converted into a percentage /100 for the grade book                                                                                              

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Know and be comfortable with the following:

  • all your literary terms-- know what they mean and how to identify them in a text
  • context clues
  • how to correctly summarize a text
  • how to identify and explain the mood of a text
  • how to identify and explain the conflict of a text
  • how to identify and explain parallel episodes

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Inn Of Lost Time Test

Inn Of Lost Time Test Hints and Tips

  • Be sure to you have read the story at least 5 times
  • Annotate the story! It helps you comprehend!
  • Be sure you have answered all the active reading questions
  • Be able to identify the main story and its subplots
  • Know your story vocabulary
  • Understand mood and how it affects a story's plot
  • Be able to identify the similarities and differences between Zenta's story, and the tale of Urashima Taro. Be able to give specific examples using details from the two stories.