Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Creative Video Project Rubric

Language Arts Creative Video Project                               https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQbHMbkWAisMkSRI7peE2RULbiRIQK8JaQ75twvqymBEZcSZMkech9X_-g
As we begin to wrap up the skills you have learned throughout the year, and apply them to our final novel study (Hunger Games) and writings, I’d like you to take some time to reflect on what you have learned in Language Arts this year.
Using what you have learned (skills, tricks, terms, ideas, literary elements, parts of speech, etc) compile and create a video to present to the class.
Options: Choose one of the following, or create your own but you must have it approved by me.
News Anchor/Reporter:  Create a news-broadcast video that delivers a report on something you have studied/learned this year. You may dress up as broadcasters and create your own set to deliver the report. Alternatively, you may create an interview based video where one partner acts as the interviewer, and the others as interviewees. This will require writing a script.
Funny Monologue or Sitcom:  Create a sitcom-style TV show about what you have learned.  You’ll need to create a script, costumes, set etc.
Music Video: Create a music video with lyrics that relate to what you have learned and accomplished in Language Arts this year, or what it’s like being a student and your LA experience this year. You may use songs that already exist and change the lyrics, or compose your own.
·         Your project should be between 3-5 minutes. (carefully plan and time them to meet the requirement)
·         Videos should be edited to the best of your ability and put on a USB to hand in
·         Scripts/Lyrics must be handed in before the presentation for approval
·         Each group member must fairly contribute to the project (delegate jobs/rolls)
·         Videos should include a title (song title, show title etc) and give credit to the participants and their jobs. (writers, camera crew, actors, editors etc)

·         Have fun with this project! It’s meant to show your learning, but also to entertain!
·         You may use humour, but maintain school appropriate language/ideas.
·         Be creative! Go back through your notes, binder, journal writings, stories and class memories for ideas. (Memories should be something you remember from a specific day/class or learning, not something like, “Remember when Jonny fell off his chair”)
·         Introduction:  Half a block this week
·         Filming: should take place over the weekend. (The majority of this project needs to be completed at home)
·         Week of April 14-18th: ONE class period with Mrs. Dunn to incorporate technology/typing script, final touches etc. Filming must be completed before Mrs. Dunn’s class. You will not be filming during this time.
·         You will work in groups of 2-3 from your class
·         You may have friends from other classes in your videos; however, the grade only applies to the assigned groups. Likewise, you may participate in another video, but will only receive a grade for your own.

Video project demonstrates a broad spectrum of content and evidence of learning in LA        

Video meets the required time limit of 3-5 minutes

Video is creative, original and demonstrates obvious efforts and originality                             

Video has been edited, transferred to a USB and script submitted

Video contains direct references to topics/ideas studied in class

Project Total: /25                                                   Note: Project totals will be converted into a percentage /100 for the grade book             
https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT9nOkxZomp5H-i8mDr3edMJL4cPEoxAaGjCx5ENiwJIsYkn4Iyc6_4PQ8cjA                                                                                                    https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS9Clcm_eBDaRyz746d5-gLyWTcn2vwq30qOAomCnYQpJMOVyRV2iWPzXE


  1. http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/index.html
    Here is the software

  2. http://www.wondershare.com/video-editor/
    Here is another one
