Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Chapter Questions 10-18

Chapter Ten
1. How does Katniss react to Peeta's declaration of love?
2. What does Peeta mean when he says "I want to die as myself"?
3. What is injected under Kat's skin before the Games? Why?
Chapter Eleven
1. What is the "Cornucopia"? Why is it important?
2. What does Kat take from the Cornucopia?
3. What happens to the girl who lights a fire for warmth near Kat's hiding place?
4. What big surprise does Kat get at the end of Chapter 11?
Chapter Twelve
1. How are the Career Tributes using Peeta?
2. How is dehydration affecting Katniss?
Chapter Thirteen
1. What wakes Katniss up?
2. Why do the Gamemakers want to chase the Tributes from their hiding places?
3. How does Katniss escape the Careers when they find her resting in the pond?
Chapter Fourteen
1. What are tracker jackers?
2. How does Katniss escape the Tributes waiting for her beneath the tree?
3. What does Kat realize right before she passes out?
Chapter Fifteen
1. What did Kat get from Glimmer's body?
2. Why does Kat want Rue for an ally?
3. What is the punishment for eating crops in District 11?
Chapter Sixteen
1. How does Katniss plan to strike at the Careers?
2. How are the Careers' supplies protected?
3. How does Katniss trigger the trap?
Chapter Seventeen
1. What happens to the boy from District 13?
2. What does Kat mean by a "hollow day"? Have you ever had a hollow day?
Chapter Eighteen
1. What does Kat do for Rue as a sign of protest against the Capitol?
2. What sponsor gift does Kat receive? Who is it from?
3. What important rule change is announced in Chapter Eighteen? 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs. Brown! So, I was curious if you are going to post the reading and comprehension questions for chapters 19-27? Please reply if you do and what are we supposed to do with those discussion questions? Thanks :)
