Monday, November 11, 2013

Important Grade Announcement!

Hi Grade 8's,

AR will now be included in your Language Arts grade. Each quarter, you are responsible for reaching 25% of your personal reading goal. As such, I will be counting your progress towards your goal as a summative reading grade. See explanation below:

Q1: aim to reach 25% of your reading goal. Grade will be given /25, and based on your percentage earned.
Q2: aim to reach 50% of your reading goal. Grade will be given /50, and based on your percentage earned.
Q3: aim to reach 75% of your reading goal. Grade will be given /75, and based on your percentage earned.
Q4: aim to reach 100% of your reading goal. Grade will be given /100 and based on your percentage earned.

NOTE: This change will apply to quarter's 2, 3 and 4. See me with any questions. 

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