Monday, December 17, 2012

Lemon Brown Classwork/Homework

Lemon Brown Homework:

Before you return from the break-- this work needs to be completed. It is not extra holiday work, it's this week's work. Don't leave it until the last minute because then it will become holiday work, and that is your choice.

*Complete annotations
*Complete Active Reading Questions A-M in your journal
*Complete Questions 1-11 on p27 in your packet
*Read p 28
*Do YOUR TURN p 28
*Read p29

We will have a test shortly after we get back from the break so please do the following to prepare:
*Review study guides
*Review/Learn list of Literary Terms
*Review ALL work on The Treasure of Lemon Brown

Have a safe and happy holiday!
Ms. Brown :) 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Book Character Dress Up Day!

In support of the school in Tunis, and in celebration of the great success you all are having with the AR program, Thursday November 22nd will be "Dress as your favourite book character day." Choose an old favourite, or a character from a novel you have read recently and get creative!

*You must bring in a picture of the character to show your homeroom teacher for approval
*You must follow school guidelines for dress (modest dress, no make up, shorts etc)
*You are not permitted to wear a mask
*You may use characters from novels, fables and fairy tales
*You may dress up with other friends. For example, you might choose characters from the Twilight Series, or come as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.
*Use google and Youtube to help you come up with creative costume ideas!

Have fun! 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Welcome Back!

Hope you've all had a safe and relaxing holiday! Please remember you have a writing assignment due. See you all bright and early! ☀

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Test Hints/Tips

This is your one and only summative test for the quarter so it's very important that you are prepared. I expect  that all of you are completing your homework every night, and have started studying as recommended two weeks ago. DO NOT LEAVE STUDYING FOR THE LAST MINUTE.

Remember-- studying IS NOT STARING at the page. You must INTERACT with the information. This means re-writing, creating notes and flash cards, quizzing yourself etc.

Please make sure you can do the following for the upcoming test:
  • know how to identify and construct topic sentences for an EXPOSITORY paragraph
  • be able to construct a sound topic sentence using given big ideas and details
  • be able to create and organize a paragraph outline
  • be able to read a given paragraph and identify the type of writing (expository, descriptive or chronological)
  • be able to identify and use transitional words within a paragraph
  • be able to identify paragraph parts by colour coding
  • be able to use and identify sensory writing
As this is a writing test, it is also very important that you use correct sentence structure. You will lose marks on the test if your sentences that you construct do not make sense.

Good luck! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Paragraph assignment due

Hi Folks,
Hope you've all had a nice weekend. Just a reminder that your paragraph assignment is due Sun/Mon, as well as the packet. See you in the morning! 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Message For 8-3


Please purchase a small journal (A-4 is fine) for Development class. You'll use this to respond and react to the novels you're reading in class. Also, don't forget to bring a plant to school for our class.

Ms. B :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Paragraph Quiz This Week!

Hi All,

Please be sure to complete and read the study guide given to you in class. You will be quizzed Wednesday (8-2, 8-4) and Thursday (8-1, 8-3, 8-5)

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Welcome to the Language Arts Blog! 

The purpose of this blog is to bridge the gap between students, parents and teachers, and to continue to support the learning of our students once they have left the classroom. I'm going to post once every two weeks- or when I feel it's necessary to give more information/guidance etc. Please note that all homework is posted inside the classroom, and it is the responsibility of the student to document this information. I'm very excited about this new school year, and I hope it will be a successful year for all!

Ms Brown